Rev. David  Hurst

Dear Friends,

We are looking forward to spring. It’s been a real old fashioned New England winter. We had to call off church two weeks in a row! That is the first time that has happened to me in 25 years of ministry! And March is such an iffy month too, but hopefully the weather will improve. We have two memorial services this month. They are for Tessah Latson, who grew up in the church and lived in New Mexico recently. Her service is March 15th, Saturday at 10am with burial to follow. The other is Betsy Burdick. We will celebrate her life on March 29th at 10am.
          One of my favorite writers is Emmet Fox, a spiritual leader who began a movement called New Thought in the last century. In his quote above, Mr. Fox teaches us that God will act in our lives if we have prayed, opened our thoughts and awareness to God being in our lives first. Having faith in God, is not a magical yearning for a cure-all that swoops in like superman and saves the day! Faith is about walking the walk of life with God in your mind, in your heart and in your behavior The closer we “draw near to God,” as Jesus says, we are connected to a life second to none. God acts; works wonders in our lives if we pay attention to his presence and willingly allow ourselves to be guided through the Spirit.
          If you wait for the miracle, Fox says that it probably won’t happen. We have to participate. We have to be guided in God’s wisdom by learning and acting right. If we have difficulty doing that, Fox encourages us to do our best and be willing to open our awareness, our hearts and work on loving God on a daily basis. We cannot live looking for the “pie in the sky.” God enters our lives through as Thessalonians says, by waiting patiently and following our Lord’s teachings in all aspects of our lives.                          Blessings to all, David

                               — Remember in Prayer —

A Prayer List is part of the weekly Bulletin. Please email the church ( if you would like to make additions or subtractions to keep those on the list in prayer. . . It Works!​​

All of the First Responders  who put their lives in jeopardy to care for all of us. For those working in grocery stores, gas stations, hospitals, nursing homes, health care facilities, food banks… who are working in spite of the danger to themselves. Prayers for anyone who is overwhelmed by this pandemic. Prayers for those who are feeling isolated or afraid. Prayers that God give us the mindfulness to reach out by phone to those who we are not frequently in touch -those on the outer edges of our friendship and family. Prayers for all people as we look to “love our neighbor” as God has commanded.


81 Hancock Road, Williamstown, MA

Graham Omerod, Organist

Rev. David Hurst, Pastor

March 9, 2025

First Sunday of Lent 

In Solitude we can slowly unmask the illusion of our possessiveness and discover deep inside that we are not what we can conquer, but what is given to us.                                                                                             Henri Nouwen

PRELUDE                                                                        ANNOUNCEMENTS

CALL TO WORSHIP                                                                    Deacon Reader
Leader: O Lord as we come into worship, let us pray that your spirit
come among us. Lead us away from temptation and fear.
People: Calm our anxieties and fears O God; so that we can
understand the wonderful words of the gospel.

Leader: Center us, O loving God, so that we will respond to
your divine call and be guided in our daily lives.
People: Help us to accept your truth; so that we are continually
and refined in life. Open us, O God, so that we can understand
your wisdom and be grateful for an abundant life, fashioned by
the pain and suffering of your beloved Son!

OPENING HYMM            "In The Cross of Christ I Glory"                     #185

INVOCATION        (In Unison)                                             Deacon Reader
Leader: O Lord in the suffering and temptations of our lives, draw close
to us that we are not reluctant to ask you in prayer for the things that
we do not dare ask others.
People: Give us a sense of patience and grace, that we might love
one another for the long haul. Through the sadness and challenge
of life be with us, as you always have been.

Leader: Find in us the willingness to forgive and to continue to love
beyond the hurts and the temptations of life.
People: O God as we pray to you; help us to put our burdens in
your hands so that we are freed to do what is right in each
moment of our lives.


Leader: O God open our hearts this morning. Let us reveal to you what
makes us suffer; those things done and those things left undone.
People: Bless us, Lord for we have not been the best we can be.
Open our hearts to see how we may have wronged others and make
direct amends for our sins. Grant us the courage to accept ourselves
and be comfortable being ourselves. Forgive us when we try to fake
life, feel protected and secure when there is temptation and doubt
about us. Keep us safe in your hands, where reality begins and ends.​

Leader: Almighty God, who in your mercy, we are promised forgiveness.
Help us to accept your grace. Strengthen us, so that we follow your Will.
Through the blessings of Christ we are forgiven!​
People: Halleluiah! Thanks be to God!                                   







First Lesson                                  Deuteronomy 26: 1-11                        Pg 174


HYMN OF REFLECTION            "Just as I am Lord"                             #410

Second Lesson                                  Luke 4; 1-13                                     Pg 892

SERMON                                         Always a Test                    Rev. David Hurst

CLOSING HYMN         "God Made From One Blood"                       Pg 391

Leader: May the Lord give strength and courage to all peoples!
People: May God bless us and fill our hearts with confidence love
and joy. May we share with the world our love of God!​

Bulletins for March are given in Memory of Rachel Botto Rhodes, given by her family.

​​Archived News of Note:

Youth news: Our third ASP trip has come and gone! We spent the week completing a siding and drainage project in eastern West Virginia. Unlike previous years, we were there for ASP's last week of the summer, meaning we got to finish the job and see the final product. Other groups had already stripped and insulated the house and partially installed J-channel around windows and fixtures, leaving us to finish the J-channel and side the house. We worked hard and completed these tasks early, giving us time to improve the drainage around the house and spread 4 tons of gravel!
We served a man named Trampus living in a small place he recently bought from family members for just $16k. He worked most of the day at a nearby sawmill, hitching rides from coworkers because his own truck had been totaled. Near the end of our week, he got hit by a log at work and broke his wrist, knocking him out of work for the immediate future. It was unclear whether he'd be able to claim worker's compensation. We were fortunate to be able to give him something to smile about when he returned home that day.
There's a lot to adjust to during an ASP week, including the poor sleeping conditions, meeting the other volunteers staying at our center, finding a new routine, and more. It's easy to imagine how all this could detract from the work, but everyone in our group stayed focused throughout the week. From the moment we set foot on site and divided up to conquer the project efficiently, to the final evening when we took over sweeping the center from the ASP staff, it was incredible to see the intentionality our group brought.
When I reflect on this group, Timothy's description of the faithful comes to mind: "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline." (2 Tim 1:7) This group had the power to help others, and used it. They had the love born of deep friendship and of compassion for those who suffer, and they acted on it. And when faced with a week challenging both physically and mentally, they showed discipline far beyond their years. As always, it was a privilege to spend this time working alongside them. I look forward to continuing this mission for years to come!   Tom Kirby
  your paragraph here.

Music Director /Organist

Matt Alcombright

​  ​​​​

March Calendar

March 2nd        In-house Morning Worship 9am

​                               Communion

                               Coffee Hour following Worship
                               Take & Eat

March 5th(Wed) Ash Wednesday 

March 9th         Daylight Savings Time begin 2:00am

                               (Move clocks ahead)

                               In-house Morning Worship 9am

                               Coffee Hour following Worship

March 13th(Thu)Deacons Meeting 3:30pm 

​March 15th            Memorial Service for Tessah Latson 10am

March 16th      In-house Morning Worship 9am
                              Coffee Hour following Worship

March 20th(Thu) Trustees Meeting 3:30pm 

March 23th      In-house Morning Worship 9am
                              Coffee Hour following Worship

March 29th        Memorial Service for Betsey Burdick 10am
March 30th     In-house Morning Worship 9am
                              Coffee Hour following Worship


Upcoming Calendar

​The Christian Education Committee has Lentin booklets available for anyone who would like to do a daily reading in Lent. These can be picked up at the back of the church.

Offering envelopes for 2025 are available. If you don't find a box with your name on it take a blank set and indicate who you are so Jean can send statements.

​The Youth are beginning to plan their upcoming summer trip with the Appalachia Service Project. While there was some consideration of volunteering in a new location, such as Virginia, the decision was made to return to West Virginia. This choice allows the group to continue their service in one region, gaining a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the community they’re helping. The trip has been officially scheduled for June 28 to July 5th.  West Virginia has endured several recent devastating weather events.  As of this writing, thirteen counties are under a state of emergency due to severe flooding, and the governor has submitted a "major disaster declaration." This region definitely needs continued help.
Upcoming Take & Eat: 

The Trustees have had a new stove installed in the parsonage. They have received the MA State boiler Certificate's and have posted them in the boiler room as required. They have been in constant contact with our plow company to keep the parking area open for general use and special services. The furnaces in the church and parsonage were given their annual servicing this week. A device was found and is on order to attach to the downspout at the rear of the church to move water away from the foundation yet not be in the way. We set up the lawn mowing last week. Yes, that is correct summer mowing! Paul will do the large area with his mower and John Quimby will be doing the hand mowing again. We are pleased that Mia Holmgren is going the be the churches ServSafe once she completes the training and testing. This will allow us to continue Take&Eat and the two Dorcas fundraisers. We want to remind everyone that even with the Sunday Service being canceled for two weeks that our expenses continued. If you need/want to catch up on your offering you can bring the missed week's funds on 3/2 or mail your offering to Jean Richer, 124 South Hemlock Brook, Williamstown, MA 01267.  

Mission Update: One of our Missions is Heifer International. In December I received a lovely thank you card for our support of the Heifer Int. donation which helps families break free from hungry and poverty and achieve the lives they deserve. They also sent us blessings with joy, harmony and happiness throughout the year. In their brochure I received a smiling photo of two little boys drinking a glass of milk. I have enclosed this attachment for your pleasure.  Our annual donation is $200.00.  This goes to provide animals-like chickens, goats and cows to families in need. So families that once went hungry will have steady sources of food, earn reliable incomes and can send their children to school. This year our donation will be matched doubling the blessing for families in need this East season!   For further information or questions please visit
There are many programs in the Heifer Int. organization that provides resources for teens and kids. If anyone is interested, they may contact them on line. We are proud to participate in this program which began in 1944 when Dan West, founded it as a Church Brethren educator.  His mission was to end hunger and poverty while caring for the Earth.. 
 We continue our Williamstown Food Pantry monthly. The first Sunday of the month we deliver the items. .The Veterans Mission is still on going and I want you to know that Mia Holmgren has offered to deliver those items for our committee. The box is in the Fellowship Room. Green box on the table near the back door. This is a such an inspiring gesture for her to commit.  We are so happy to have her volunteer in this project. We are so proud of all our youth in the congregation. There is a list of items on the box.  Also, clothing is needed due to cold weather. I don't have a list but anything is welcome.
Thanking all of you for the support of our Missions in the past and present. "Faith can move mountains."
Sincerely,    Caroline Martel, Chairman


(Please place them in the tub in the SS Room)

Memorial Bulletin Sign-up The sheet for signing up to purchase a month of Memorial Bulletins for 2024 is now posted in the SS Room. Please fill in the information for the month that you select.

The cost is $30/month. 

For those that were not able to be at the final service or need additional time to consider their 2023 Giving, you may send in your gifts and pledges to:
Jean Richer 124 S. Hemlock Brook, Williamstown, MA 01267.


Town Scholarship Information:  Attached is the application form for the Williamstown Municipal Scholarship is available on the town website or a copy can be picked up in the town treasurer's office.  These scholarships are available only to town residents who are at least one year post high school by the fall of 2025 or non-traditional students going back to school.  The deadline to apply is 1/6/2025 at 4:30pm.
Thank you. Williamstown Municipal Scholarship Committee: Justine Beringer, Linda Brown, Kris Kirby   (See Attachment)

Don’t wait about for God to act dramatically-because he probably won’t. When people expect a dramatic miracle from the outside, they are really hoping to change conditions without changing themselves; Don’t wait to have God to tell you what to do from the outside- He won’t!

“The Lord directs your heart into the love of God, and into patient waiting for Christ.” 

                                           [2Thessalonians 3:5]                                                       Emmet Fox


​WilliNet channel 1303 Sunday Worship 9am and 4pm. Rerun Wed at 10am and Friday at 7pm 

This Week's Internet site is: 


​**Please scroll down to see the Weekly Bulletin below**

Thoughts from the Organ Bench: Twenty-Nine (29) years ago this Spring I began my first position as an organist at the former Holy Family Parish on State Road in North Adams.  That first ministry in the church would open wide the doors for how God wanted to work through me.  I have been significantly blessed to have ministered (musically and pastorally) in so many communities within the Western Massachusetts area and beyond.  Each new worshipping community has taught me and helped me to grow personally and professionally.  The Second Congregational Church in Williamstown is no exception.  Five years ago I was asked to play a funeral at Second Congregational when I was working part-time at Flynn-Dagnoli Funeral Home.  Soon after that, Bonnie Herr came into the office and asked "Do you want a job?" (I think it was more professional than that...) 
These past five years have flown by and certainly have gifted me this congregation which is 'small but mighty.' I have been impressed with the faith and zeal that I have been privileged to be part of each week. Being open to the Holy Spirit is something I have continued to learn throughout my life and something this congregation has assisted in. I know that it is time for me to move on from my responsibilities at Second Congregational to further embrace a call back to ministry that needs my time and attention. I truly want to thank each and every one of you for all you have given me over these years. While I will miss each one, I will keep you all in heart and mind through prayer. I would ask for your prayers as well. Thank you and God bless you all!



“The time is always right to do what is right!              Martin L King Jr.

“All love that has not friendship for its base
is like a mansion built on sand.”                                 Ella Wheeler Wilcox

“Sometimes I go about pitying myself. And all the while I am being carried
across the sky by beautiful clouds.”                              Ojibway Indian saying

Arab proverb; “To have a good neighbor you must be one.”


Welcome to  

The Second Congregational Church

81 Hancock Road • Williamstown, MA 01267 • (413) 458-3467